every small bit counts

@mannyIsTypingOnAComputer, open source contributiontrying to learn

I started contributing to cucumber.js working on a "good first issue" - Replace uses of any type with the proper type #1648.

I landed my first PR to the project using my new GitHub handle @mannyistypingonacomputer and getting my second PR squared up and it should be good to go.

It's been pretty nice to start contributing to something.

Additionally, I've started to work on building my proficiency with Go by working through the exercises on Exercism and I picked up a "good first issue" to contribute to updating the instructions to one of the Javascript exercises!

learning Go

I've been working within the Node.js ecosystem since I started in the software development space in 2016 and it's been a really awesome and wild ride, learning about and building out web platforms for other developers to build with. In looking at job opportunities out there from time to time, I notice that the want of Node.js developers that are not somehow associated with client-side/frontend development is fewer and far in between and I have begun to revisit learning Go.

My goals are to take what I've learned in building out web platforms in Node.js to working out similar problems using Go.

I'm looking forward to the the growth.

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